Lucky Windy Day 2

Posted by: juliespy

Jun 29, 2013

You know everything about the story: strong Wind vs light skirt... who won? My camera!!! ;) Hope you'll vote "SUPERB" for my other contry! Kisses! Julie Spy

Recent Comments for Lucky Windy Day 2 (13)
  • lovely bum, gotta wank, thanx
  • Great. Very nice. thx or share
  • Great pictures, well done!
  • Great set of pics Thanks votes superb
  • SUPERB! Great shots, please send any more of this girl.
  • These are actually quyite boring. The wind blew the skirt up, she is wearing knickers, big deal.
  • very pretty face. I could bang that behind for several hours......
  • Tell Wendy that we would like to see her all naked in a contri. I like your contri because that is true voyeurism.
  • I'd like to see more pics of her in the car with her skirt way up!
  • @bionicbulldog if you read her post it said Lucky Windy Day 2 this is her second post to this shot
  • Maybe you should turn the camera on yourself so we can se what you look like.
  • Too bad she was wearing a thong. I am curious what her c u n t looks like.
  • As I promised to my fans in my first post, I give you here my other pictures of this girl. Her name must be "Wendy"!!! lol Remember to vote "superb" for my other post! ;) Kisses to all of you!
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